Josh is experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar, otherwise known as hypoglycemia. Select symptoms below that are signs of low blood sugar.

True or False: It is a good idea to check your blood sugar before you exercise and eat a small snack (10 to 15 grams of carbohydrates) if your blood sugar is less than 100.
Jim, a 68-year-old retired engineer with type 2 diabetes, loves to play golf. One Saturday morning, he is on the 12th hole having a great game when he begins to feel lightheaded, shaky and has a bad headache. What does Jim need to do to raise his blood sugar level? Select all that apply.
Finish up the game and then go get something to eat
Immediately take glucose tablets or candy
Get over to the clubhouse and eat some protein like a turkey sandwich
Wait 15 minutes and test again
It has been fifteen minutes since Josh's blood sugar test reading was 56. After the reading, he took three glucose tablets. He now rechecks his blood sugar and it is at 89.
What should Josh do next?
Return to the treadmill and finish his hour long exercise session
Nothing since his blood sugar is now normal
Go to the gym's cafe and eat a turkey sandwich
Drink a can of regular soda
True or False: You should call your provider if your blood sugar is less than 70 more than twice in the same week or if your blood sugar is so low that assistance is required.